
Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana was founded in 1998 by Pietro G. Beltrami, Umberto Carpi, Luca Curti, Piero Floriani, Marco Santagata e Mirko Tavoni, who previously directed Rivista di Letteratura Italiana since 1983.

NRLI has an international relevance among Italian Studies journals both in Italy and abroad.

Today, Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana publishes essays on literature, philology, and the history of the Italian language from its origins to the present day. The Directors of the journal grant the scientific quality of the articles by filtering the articles that will be submitted to blind peer-review.

Along with the double-blind peer-reviewed ‘Essays’ section, there are ‘Texts and Documents’, a double-blind peer-reviewed section where editions and comments on rare or unpublished documents are published, and ‘Debates’, an editor-reviewed section for essays on methodological and historiographical matters in Italian studies.

The journal publishes articles in Italian, French, Spanish, and English under a strict double-blind peer review policy.

In October 2019 NRLI has been accepted in Scopus (evaluation starting from the year 2016).

Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana is classified A by italian academic journal rating agency ANVUR in
Letteratura italiana (10/F1)
Letteratura italiana contemporanea (10/F2)
Linguistica e filologia italiana (10/F3)
Critica letteraria e letterature comparate (10/F4).

Current IssueVol 26, No 1 (2023)

Published January 9, 2024


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