Vol. 18 No. 2 (2015): Venticinque anni di italianistica Dodici libri da rileggere (1990-2015)

The Leopardian Lesson of Luigi Blasucci. I tempi dei Canti. Nuovi studi leopardiani

Marco Dondero
Università di Macerata

Published 2015-12-09


  • Giacomo Leopardi,
  • Luigi Blasucci,
  • Canti


This essay investigates the critical method of Luigi Blasucci. Following an analysis of the four books Blasucci wrote about Leopardi, the essay focuses on I tempi dei Canti, particularly dwelling on the writings dedicated to a general analysis of the poetry of Giacomo Leopardi: the metrical readings of the early Canzoni and of the canzoni libere as well as the essay which gave the volume its title, in which the critic presents, in the clearest form, his own comprehensive vision of the poetic career of Giacomo Leopardi.