Vol. 18 No. 2 (2015): Venticinque anni di italianistica Dodici libri da rileggere (1990-2015)

Dissolution and Resistance in the Poetry of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Per interposta persona by Enrico Testa.

Paolo Giovannetti
Università Iulm Milano

Published 2015-12-09


  • Enrico Testa,
  • Twentieth century Italian poetry,
  • Twenty-first century Italian poetry,
  • relations between poetry and narrative,
  • lyrical subject,
  • ...More


Enrico Testa’s Per interposta impersona (1999) presents a truly original study of Italian poetry published in the second half of the twentieth century, to the extent that it also brings critical issues of this new millennium into focus. The crisis of the lyrical subject, the forms of dialogism which are enacted in many poetical texts, the trend of “novelization” in the poetical arena: these are some of the questions that are studied by Testa with the help not only of Stilkritik but also with the aid of some ideas offered by modern philosophy and anthropology. Poetry, therefore, is justified also from an ‘ideological’ point of view, because through poetry – according to Testa – we are able to keep in touch with the experience of others.