Vol. 17 No. 2 (2014): Per Umberto Carpi
In memoriam

Montale in Lunigiana. A New Perspective on Ceccardo and the Ligurian Landscape.

Antonio Zollino
Università Cattolica di Milano

Published 2014-12-19


  • Montale,
  • ceccardo Roccatagliata ceccardi,
  • literary landscape,
  • intertextuality,
  • Lunigiana,
  • La Spezia.
  • ...More


This essay revisits issues regarding the textual similarities between Eugenio Montale and Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi, and it proposes new connections between Ceccardo’s Sonetti e Poemi and Montale’s poetry. the author argues that one should not merely limit the influence of ceccardo upon Montale to the first period of the latter author’s literary output. the works of ceccardo also inspired Montale when he evoked, on different occasions, the atmospheres of La spezia and Lunigiana, and one could regard this as a strong manifestation of the genius loci of these lands.


Antonio Zollino
Università Cattolica di Milano